To make sure these exercises are appropriate please consult your Physical Therapist. Stop the exercises if your symptoms increase and discuss any concerns with your Physical Therapist at your next appointment. Foot Intrinsics, Inversion/Eversion Strengthening &...
To make sure these exercises are appropriate please consult your Physical Therapist. Stop the exercises if your symptoms increase and discuss any concerns with your Physical Therapist at your next appointment. Knee Strengthening Squat...
To make sure these exercises are appropriate please consult your Physical Therapist. Stop the exercises if your symptoms increase and discuss any concerns with your Physical Therapist at your next appointment. Hip Myofascial Release & Glute Ball Release Clamshell...
Exercises to target your core muscles. Please consult your Physical Therapist to make sure these exercises are performed correctly. Piston Breathing: Relaxing & Contracting the Pelvic Floor Muscles Core Activation: Progression McGill’s Big 3: Core...
To make sure these exercises are appropriate please consult your Physical Therapist. Stop the exercises if your symptoms increase and discuss any concerns with your Physical Therapist at your next appointment. McGill’s Big 3: Core Strengthening Sciatic Nerve...